seismograph|seismographs in English


[seis·mo·graph || 'saɪzməgræf /-grɑːf]

instrument for measuring and recording vibrations of earthquakes

Use "seismograph|seismographs" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "seismograph|seismographs" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "seismograph|seismographs", or refer to the context using the word "seismograph|seismographs" in the English Dictionary.

1. The Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) operates a Canada-wide network of over 100 high-gain instruments, called seismographs, and over 60 low-gain or strong motion seismographs called accelerographs, that together make up the Canadian National Seismograph Network (CNSN).

2. My seismograph.

3. A seismograph records earthquakes.

4. Well, I'm supposed to monitor the seismographs.

5. Here's your seismograph.

6. An exact seismograph is described.

7. Okay, the seismograph is online.

8. Bringing optical technology to the seismograph

9. Minor earthquakes have also been measured by seismographs and reported by residents.

10. Today, more than 4,000 seismograph stations are operating worldwide.

11. But a seismograph is a handy thing to have.

12. Excuse me, but Dr. Haywood's seismograph has detected an aberration.

13. Using seismographs, they're able to hear molten rock... flowing into the magma chamber.

14. A seismogram is a graph output by a seismograph.

15. These things entail that the seismograph becomes rather bully.

16. Check the seismograph for past emotional earthquake and trauma.

17. Its earthquakes are well-located and their magnitudes found with closely-spaced modern seismographs.

18. The most basic tool of seismologists is the seismograph network.

19. China's Zhang Heng invented the seismograph during the Han Dynasty.

20. SN 388 telemetry instrument is one of complete seismograph in the world.

21. I work like a seismograph and draw an echo of the room.

22. He went that time when he almost electrocuted me with his seismograph.

23. SN388 seismographer is one of major seismograph used in seismic prospecting at home.

24. His life has measured the ups and downs as faithfully as a seismograph.

25. There, earthquakes are continuously recorded by seismographs, and the wind velocities in the upper atmosphere are measured.